Twitter in Africa

As a fairly avid “tweeter” (should I be embarrassed about this?), I thought it might be interesting to see what information I could find about Twitter in the developing world. I was surprised to discover that any articles on this topic are fairly random and lack credibility. It was also difficult to find an article from this year. Does anyone have any insight as to why this might be?

However, I did find this article.

The article discusses why it isn’t easy to track Twitter usage in Africa. Most African users are from either South Africa or Egypt, which was especially seen in January’s political crisis. In reality, there are Twitter users in every African country, they’re just harder to find because not every Twitter user will enter his or her exact location when posting an update. Plus, Africa’s geography can be undeniably vague. Not surprisingly, most African Twitter users would use the SMS service to post updates instead of posting through the website.

One response to “Twitter in Africa

  • ashleynfox

    I was surprised to read that there is not much information about Twitter in the developing world, too, but the reasons the article listed definitely make sense. It would be interesting to look into this further, and see how the amount of twitter accounts grows as internet access increases. Also- to monitor how twitter campaigns can affect development!

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